Please review our updated list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) below to gain relevant information about The Kangaroo Crew.

Where can I Purchase Loo-Loo’s Alphabet Matching Game?

How do you Close the Loo-Loo’s Alphabet Matching Game App?

Simply hit the “Home” button located on the bottom-center on your mobile device.

What are the System Requirements to Run The Kangaroo Crew Games?

Loo-Loo’s Alphabet Matching Game is available on any mobile device. Our Flash games are available on computers and mobile devices that have access to the internet and are capable of running Flash version 10 or higher. The Flash games are not compatible with iPad/iPhone devices.

Do you Offer Free Games or Free Trials of your Products?

Yes. We offer free Flash games which can be played directly on our website. We also offer free trial versions of Loo-Loo’s Alphabet Matching Game, which can be accessed on mobile devices.

How do you Know that the The Kangaroo Crew Products Really Work?

Our products are developed in collaboration with teachers and educators. Each game is thoroughly tested by a diverse group of children while our team of developers implement improvements based on the feedback gathered from these testing groups. The Kangaroo Crew products are tested in many types of beta situations before ever being released to the public.

Who Produced The Kangaroo Crew?

The Kangaroo Crew was developed by Lois Mancuso, who has devoted her professional life to children and learning. For the past 25 years The Kangaroo Crew development team has consisted of successfully experienced teachers, authors, designers, animators, programmers and musicians whose goal is to introduce the magic of reading while making learning fun.

To find out more, visit our About Us page.

What makes The Kangaroo Crew Unique?

The Kangaroo Crew offers fun activities for young children. Our products are simple and and they work! Developed and tested in collaboration with early childhood teaching professionals, our products inspire confidence along with recognizing the letters of the alphabet and basic reading skills in order to succeed when entering a traditional academic environment.

What does The Kangaroo Crew Do?

The Kangaroo Crew includes activities that help children to:

• Recognize the letters of the alphabet
• Associate words to objects
• Absorb basic reading skills
• Increase curiosity and memorization
• Enhance hand-eye coordination and motor skills

What Educational Activities for Children are Offered at kangaroocrew.com?

The kangaroocrew.com wesite offers a collection of fun activities for young children. The Flash games can be played directly on this website while our apps are designed for mobile devices.

To find out more visit our Games page.

Let us know how we can Help you…

Our FAQs are an effort to share accurate data and important information and offer help in providing specific and valuable answers that you may be looking for on various topics about The Kangaroo Crew. While we try to summarize and maintain an accumulated compilation of the most common and often asked questions and their corresponding answers on this page, we realize that there may be numerous others that we have overlooked. Because the possibilities are endless and your questions can address practically any subject, do not feel that any of your concerns are too trivial to us. If all of your questions are not addressed or easily understood in the respective FAQs sections above please feel free to contact us at info@kangaroocrew.com with your inquiries and comments and we will respond back to you in a speedy time-frame.

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